Learn Competitor analysis manually!

Learn Competitor analysis manually!

Competitor Analysis

For those who mainly work in SEO or you want to SEO any other site, you need to have very good knowledge about Competitor Analysis. Competitor analysis is a very important step for ranking a website. So this step is huge important and usefull for SEO. If you don’t analyze your competitors well, you won’t know what to do to rank your site or what to do first. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the competitors well.

What is Competitor Analysis?

What is Competitor Analysis – Let’s try to explain with an example. Suppose you are going to a war, will it make you wonder how much strength or power you have? Or it is important to know how strong your competitors are. If you have correct or accurate information of competitor and if you prepare accordingly. And then if you get into a Jewish war, 99% of the time it can be said that you will have a much better chance of winning the war.

So the same can be said about knowing about your competitors how strong they are, what their weaknesses are, etc. There should be enough accurate and precise information or idea about all these things. There must be enough accurate or precise information or ideas about all these things. After that, depending on these, you have to prepare to move forward with your site. In a word, your business or site related websites should be well researched or find out the weak points.

The future of your website depends on your competitors. So all this you have to find out from your competitors.

Need to do competitor analysis? SEO is basically done on every site. We all have a goal that at the end of the day we can grow our business. We mainly do SEO to grow our own business and get ranking. Since we do SEO for them so to start working on SEO we first need to know about our competitors.

When you start doing SEO after knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, your work will be reduced and your chances of ranking will increase. So understand how important competitor analysis is.

How do you know who your competitors are?

We know that competitor analysis is mainly done based on specific keywords and business. Suppose, my keyword is buy fish online, let us now give buy fish online, after typing this keyword and searching the first page of the ten results, here you have to see who are your competitors.

I wrote it and searched after searching many results are coming and these results will be in many pages. Now my question is, I found so many results by searching this one keyword, are all these results your competitors or are all of these results your actual competitors? How do you know who your actual computer or competitors are if not all of them?

To understand this, first of all you need to see which websites are related to your business or your site out of ten results in the search engine. In short, your business should be exactly what it is. Similarly, open those ten results to find and analyze the businesses that match your business. So basically this is how you can find out your competitors.


How to analyze a website or page?

1. General Competitor’s Analysis

General Competitor’s Analysis is basically the technical analysis of the site. Some of the existing ones are:

  • Competitors URL
  • PA (page authority)
  • No. Of Site Indexed Page
  • Keyword in Title
  • Keyword in URL
  • Keyword in Description
  • Keyword Prominence
  • Keyword Proximity
  • Social Signals

PA: The page authority of the website or page you are analyzing should be placed here.

No. Of Site Indexed Page: No. Of Site Indexed Page is the number of pages of your website indexed in search engines. The number of this cell should be placed in its place.

Keyword in Title: This is your specific keyword, is that keyword in the title of your website or page. Here it must be understood.

Keyword in URL: Keyword in URL is whether your specific keyword is in the URL of your website or page. If there is any, it should be placed here.

Keyword in Description: This is whether your specific keyword is in your description. If there is any, it should be installed.

Keyword Prominence: Whether your main keyword is at the beginning of your title. Yes or No should be put here if there is any.

Keyword Proximity: Whether your title contains the full keyword. Or not all the keywords together. If yes, if there is no, you can put No. Social Signal: This is the number of likes and followers on your social pages.

All these steps can be completed through seo quake extension or using seositecheckup site.

2. Competitor’s On-Page Analysis

In this step we will basically analyze the internal aspects of the website. Among them are given below –

  • Site URL
  • Url characters
  • Title characters
  • Meta description characters
  • Images ALT
  • Sitemap
  • Robot Txt
  • Google Analytics

You can use SEO Quake Extension or seositecheckup site to get all these results. You can get the results very easily by using them.

3. Competitor’s Backlink Analysis

In Backlink Analysis basically you will find all the backlinks of your competitors. You can use Moz tools to find these backlinks. By using these tools you can find your competitors backlinks very easily. There will be no problem. You can see an option named Link Explorer after logging into their website and creating an account. I hope you can find out the backlinks of your competitors by clicking on that option. 

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